Make sure you have a power board hooked up to a power source so that your customers can test out any electrical appliances.Keep your prices low and clearly marked.Create buzz by bringing along friends to help out.To gain a competitive edge on your neighbours you can: People are more likely to attend a garage sale if there are another two in that street. Your competitors are often your allies when it comes to garage sales. If you expect a lot of mothers, set up a children’s play area. For example, if you expect a lot of younger people, play some ‘young’ beats. You can also tailor your stall to suit the target market. Are you selling old retro clothes? Have you got a collection of kids toys to get rid of? Is your old china collection up for sale? Figure out who your stall is best suited to – this will make your marketing efforts more effective. An easy way to manage the prices is using a colour coded system explained in 6.1 Presentation Strategy. You also want to think about how you will label and package your items. If you’re in Brisbane this weekend, check out Undress Brisbane. Vintage and retro clothes are all the rage at the moment. Make sure all your items are clean and clothes have been washed. Once you have your collection of goods to sell, categories them. Clean all your items a few days before.Source your equipment – tables to set up on, chairs to sit on, fanny pack (or money box).Ask your friends and family to fill a box of things to give you (provide them with a cardboard box to fill for a higher response rate).Raid your house for things you want to sell – be brutal.Below is a list of things to do in the lead up to your big day: Start collecting plastic bags (or ‘enviro’ bags) and newspapers leading up to your sale. It’s good to set a date for your garage sale a month from when you start planning. Register your business as an ‘event’ on Facebook. Include your own name in the title too, then customers can put a name to a face when they arrive – it will make the stall more approachable. Use buzz words like ‘retro’, ‘antique’, ‘vintage’, ‘jewelery’ and ‘china’. 1.2 Keys To SuccessĮffective sales strategy 2.0 Company overview Make a profit off my old belongings in a fun and friendly atmosphere. This is not only an environmentally friendly initiative (recycling all your possessions) but also an opportunity to have some fun! 1.1 Mission

To acquire products at no cost and sell them at a profit. If you’re ready to make some easy money, get down to business and start putting together your garage sale business plan. It may start off as a blank canvas, but with a little effort you’ll have a Mona Lisa on your hands in no time. What I didn’t realise is how many cool ideas you could implement to jazz it up. Garage sales are a great way to make a bit of extra money. Home » Garage Sale Tips: The Business Plan Garage Sale Tips: The Business Plan